A museum of Speleothems

A museum is a place where collections of artistic, scientific or any other type of objects, of high value to society as a whole, are preserved and displayed. In this sense, Cueva de la Estegamitas is an authentic museum, natural and underground, of speleothems.

Indeed, most of the caves are characterized by having many speleothems, especially stalactites and stalagmites, this circumstance is not exceptional. However, very few can boast of having a practically complete sample of almost all known types of speleothems. And the most surprising thing is their magnificent state of conservation.

Being a cave that has been closed, isolated from the outside for a long time, the totally stable conditions of its underground atmosphere have allowed the development of a large number of speleothems, representative of an enormous variety of different genetic microprocesses in a relatively small underground space.

Thus, the following types of speleothems can be found along the ceilings, walls and floors of the halls and passages of the Cueva de las Estegamitas: shelfstones, drapery, aragonite balls, flowstones, columns, coralloids or popcorn, dogtooth spar, discs, stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, straws, aragonite flowers, butterflies, canopies, calcite rafts, stalagmitic floors, nails… and stegamites, of course.

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